Best Self Virtual Therapy Testimonials

“Maureen first helped me in therapy when I was suffering from anxiety and a depressive episode due to past trauma. Maureen was able to help me experience immense physiological, emotional, and spiritual healing. I was also diagnosed with ADHD and Maureen supported me in seeking a diagnosis and making sense of how ADHD impacts me. I went through big life changes and for the first time in my life I knew what I wanted and I didn’t have a mental breakdown. I don’t think this would have been possible for me without my experience in therapy with Maureen. I recently resumed therapy with her to work through a couple of issues and thanks to Maureen I am now a much much better version of my self!”

“Maureen was patient and kind but also pushed me to become more introspective. With her therapy, I was able to address the trauma I had endured and to develop the skills to thrive.”

“With Maureen’s help I feel like my old self again and anxiety is no longer dictating my life.”

” I spent my entire adult life as an organized type-A personality before realizing I was actually an anxious perfectionist. I had always thought that the only way to successfully manage a busy life was to be constantly planning for the next thing. But I was wrong – I was actually putting myself in a constant state of “doing” and never simply in a state of ‘being.’

The practice of mindfulness has allowed me to connect to the present moment instead of constantly living in a state of planning the future. I’m more aware of the things around me, more present to my family members, and better able to enjoy the reality that is right in front of me. And I’ve even found that I’m more productive than I was before, when I was constantly living in planning-mode. I’ve learned that the human brain is actually more efficient when it is relaxed, so I can accomplish more in less time – and I enjoy life so much more in the process!”

“With Maureen’s help, I was able to learn so much more about myself, my loved ones, and the world. I feel like I have so many tools at my disposal for not letting my anxiety take over my life. I feel like a new, more mature person through her guidance.”

“I started therapy about a year ago and have made incredible progress with my OCD. Talk therapy and learning the technique of bringing yourself to the present moment have done wonders with my OCD. Maureen has also helped me navigate my faith and OCD. My OCD is not gone, but I now have the ability to manage it. Maureen is a fantastic listener and empathizer and she helps me process my thoughts and compulsions without feeling judged. She has shown me nothing but compassion and her therapy has significantly helped my condition. Praise God for wonderful therapists like her.”

“I have worked with Maureen for a long time. I have lived a life that plenty would consider to be normal, however I have had internal and external conflict throughout my adult years. When I started working with Maureen, and began to articulate these conflicts, she approached me with compassion and empathy, but also an extremely experienced mind for therapy. There were large issues in my life, and specifically in my mind, that I would never have overcome without Maureen’s help. Through my work with Maureen, I have my OCD under control, as well as my anxiety, and have quelled an extremely powerful addiction to work. Now, my life has much more balance, I am able to see situations more clearly, I am kinder to myself and others around me, and I am equipped to deal with various trials that can come at a person. I am eternally grateful for everything Maureen has done for me!”

“Working with Maureen was a gift. She has tremendous expertise, insight, and a special talent for seeing right to the heart of the matter. She helped me understand myself, my history, my family, and my implicit assumptions about the world. She was both professional and courteous as she challenged me on things I needed to change and cheered me on as I made progress. I highly recommend working with her!”

“I met Maureen at the lowest point of my life. When I saw her picture in her bio, my first impression was, ‘she looks like someone who knows what it means to suffer and come out the other side.’ I was right. I came to her feeling totally out of control of my own thoughts and life, but she wasn’t afraid like I was. And that calmed me. Therapy wasn’t a cure-all but it was most definitely the turning point that changed my trajectory.”